Worship, Music & More
Westminster Presbyterian worship is Intergenerational
At Westminster, we offer opportunities for everyone to encounter the Holy Spirit, from the youngest to the oldest. We believe in intergenerational worship because we need each other in order to be the body of Christ. In so many other spheres of our lives we are separated from those who are different from ourselves in age or experience. Church is one of the few places we can come and share our different gifts and learn from one another. We believe we need each other not just to worship but to survive. Coming together as a whole church body in worship helps us to know and love one another, and to see each other as a full member of the body of Christ.

Worship stations
Created to enhance the worship experience for all, especially for children, worship stations welcome movement and participation at any time during worship for any one who feels called. We also offer nursery care for our youngest children after our "time for children."
And so we don't just tolerate squirming, giggling, joyful children in worship... we welcome them, because truly, each of us is a child of God!
Westminster Presbyterian worship is
Musically Diverse
We believe that we are called to make a joyful noise to the Lord, and so we do that with thanksgiving! Westminster offers a vibrant music ministry, celebrating the love of Christ with diversity and energy.
At our 10:00 worship service, our choir sings a variety of inspiring music. We invite our members to offer musical talents and join us in making a joyful noise to the Lord!

Westminster Presbyterian worship is Creative
Creative in Worship
As co-creators with God, our worship is a creative and inspiring act. Along with music and our interactive worship stations, we regularly invite creativity and engagement during worship. You might be invited to draw or write, or offer a joke. You might see an artist create a canvas during worship, or watch young women dance to the glory of God. We are blessed with creators and artists of many varieties at Westminster. Some of those artists have helped create colorful quilted banners which adorn our sanctuary. Other banners are hung in our Fireside circle.

Creative in the World
We also regularly host art installations of artists in our congregation and community. From gorgeous quilts to nature photographs, to crafts to oil paintings, the art we have shown has broad variety and appeal. We are always looking for new artists to show and support... perhaps you will be our next artist in residence?
Westminster Presbyterian worship is Inclusive

A Word About Welcome and the Presbyterian Church USA
The incarnation of God in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us our mission and understanding of membership. We become active members of the church through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and acceptance of His Lordship in all of life. We believe that any act or statement of injustice, discrimination or violence works against the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Accordingly, Westminster Presbyterian Church welcomes into full membership persons of every race, culture, economic status, age, ability, gender and sexual orientation. We pledge to work for change within the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. to obtain every privilege of membership for all. Confessing our own weakness, we commit ourselves to Christ’s ministry of love, justice and peace.