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Christian Education
Relying on Scripture, prayer, study, and mutual support, we seek to prepare and sustain our whole church and others for the challenge of being an active Christian presence in the world. Christian Education programs at Westminster span all age levels and other diversities and include Sunday morning adult education and children's education in worship (worship stations), small groups known as Covenant Groups, daytime and evening Bible studies, Confirmation class, special topical and timely programs and our monthly intergenerational program LIFT (Living in Faith Together) that incorporates worship, education and mission held one Sunday morning a month. Westminster also invites outside speakers to present both spiritual and secular topics.
Covenant Groups
Facilitated by their members, these groups vary significantly in topic and meeting time. This is truly a wonderful opportunit to feel more connected, meet new people, and grow in faith.
Please click here to contact us if you are interested in joining a group.
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